Strange Donuts

We only tried Strange Donuts because Harold's Doughnuts was out of their sprinkle ones.

The decor of the pace was kitschy. Someone put a lot of work into it and you can tell.

They share a place with Seoul Taco and I can't wait to check that out too-- when it's not 10 am.

They have a bunch of neat donuts flavors like gooey butter cake, toaster strudel, campfire, etc.

Since their counter was kind of small, it was hard to decide and the hipster crew were a little pushy. "Move it along. We can all share the space." I might being willing to forgive--- for donuts.

I tried the toaster streudal and the campfire donuts. I just have to say-- OMG, TS was so good.

It really tasted like the toaster strudel from my childhood with a jam center and sugary icing. I could eat one of these every week, yo. 

Truthfully, I didn't even finish the campfire one. It was a very attractive donut, but the cakes consistency wasn't really that good and the donut didn't rally have a good balance--- it was mostly chocolate with graham cracker crumbs and one marshmallow.

I am just going to put this out there--- Harold's donuts are better. They have a better flavor and are more moist. Strange donuts has the "strange" thing going for it and I like that, but they need to up their donut base. I think it's a little bland.

I will probably go back and I definitely can't wait to try a Seoul taco with a donut on the side, but it won't be my regular donut place. 

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